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Our Governance

King’s Leadership Academy Hawthornes is part of the Great Schools Trust (GST), a company limited by guarantee.

The GST members and board of trustees are the proprietors of the trust and set the overarching vision and strategy for all of the GST academies. Trustees’ main responsibilities are the three core governance functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos, and strategic direction.
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent

In order to discharge these duties successfully the board of trustees has delegated some of these responsibilities to executive leaders and local academy councils (LAC's) (see the Scheme of Delegation for more information).

King’s Hawthornes has a committed team of parent, staff and co-opted governors who are actively involved in school life. They successfully represent the local community and bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise from a variety of professional backgrounds. 

The LAC has delegated oversight for curriculum and standards, community presence and safeguarding, including attendance, student welfare and health and safety. In short, LAC's are an integral part of the trust’s governance structure. They are the eyes and ears on the ground at school level, and support the trust board to adhere to their core governance functions by holding the school to account for performance and development. In addition, they support school leaders by acting as their ‘critical friend’.

Contact Our Local Academy Council

The Chair of the Local Academy Council is Lauren Desmond.

Should you wish to contact the Chair of the Local Academy Council or the LAC please email l.desmond@greatschoolstrust.com or by post by addressing any correspondence for the attention of the chair of governors at the school’s address:

King's Leadership Academy Hawthornes, Fernhill Road, Bootle, L20 6AQ.

Please note that any complaints regarding the school must be raised in line with our complaints policy and cannot be raised directly with the Local Academy Council.


Chair's Welcome

Thank you for visiting the King’s Leadership Academy Hawthornes website. Please take a look around at all the fantastic work our school does and explore our community.

Throughout this website, you can get a sense of our values, our staff, students and what we offer to the local community.

We are an ever-evolving academy, aiming to help every child reach their full potential. We are recognised for the hard work we put in, meaning we are oversubscribed. We work to ensure every students individual needs are met, role modelling inclusivity and ensuring the right supports are in place. We offer a range of opportunities to allow all our pupils to explore their academic and vocational interests.

If you have any questions, please do get in touch through our contact page.

Lauren Desmond - Chair of Governors

Governor Biographies

Lauren Desmond - Chair of Governors 

I grew up in the local area of the school, attending St Robert Bellarmine’s primary school then moving to St Wilfrid’s High School closed and merged to create the King’s Leadership Academy Hawthornes. From here, I studied A-Levels locally and went on to do a degree in English Literature at Hope University.

After graduating, I joined the Civil Service as an apprentice and went on to move into multiple departments covering multiple professions. I was shocked at how much I learnt from my apprenticeship having been encouraged to take the university route. Most of my career has now covered working with apprenticeships and technical education, and I am passionate about promoting these opportunities to school leavers.

I joined the King’s Hawthornes Local Academy Council because of the reputation the school has in the local community for inspiring excellence, and the work they do to ensure every child has equal opportunity and reaches their full potential. I have since become chair of governors and look forward to working with the staff on the next stage of the school’s journey.

Monique Prendervile - Parent Governor

I have been a governor for over three years at King’s Hawthorne’s where I am the parent contact for PHSE and also SEND. I currently work part-time at the school on an exciting project for reading recovery and am also preparing for my third year at Edge Hill University, studying education and religion with a particular interest in EAL and philosophy for kids. I am passionate about challenging senior leadership to make positive changes for all of our children, especially those who are most disadvantaged. I have a daughter in year 11 and a son coming into the school this September.  

Richard Walsh - Co-opted Governor

After leaving college I ran my own event management company specialising in concerts and artist management. After a career break to travel, I started working for a Liverpool-based language school responsible for their extracurricular activities.

Before joining Great Schools Trust, I was the Leadership Education officer for a 4-19, state-funded, mixed ability, single academy trust city day and boarding school. I joined GST in 2018 and am currently responsible for leading the public services arm of the trust’s personal development function and ensuring that programmes of activity are efficient and effective.

I am keen to play a bigger part in King's Leadership Academy Hawthornes, building relationships and expanding networks to provide opportunities to our young people.

Katie King - Parent Governor

As a parent of a child in Kings Leadership Hawthornes, I have a passion for ensuring the school remains a good school for our community. Our children deserve excellent education and to be safe and happy here too. I work at the Disclosure Barring Service and ensuring children's safety is something I take seriously. In the past I have volunteered working with children and the community at Ykids and I was previously a foster carer for Sefton. I am a very busy parent, having 3 children, working and volunteering so I have excellent organisational skills. I have good interpersonal skills and have the ability to talk to all people on all levels. I aim to bring these skills to my role as Governor so I can liaise effectively between the school and parents/carers. I will use my confidence and voice to raise any issues and challenge if needed. I have a positive attitude and hope to put this into action.

David Garner - Parent Governor

Awaiting bio.

Joe Johnson - Co-opted Governor

Awaiting bio.

Mandy Bushell - Co-opted Governor

Awaiting bio.


Governor Vacancies

The Local Academy Council currently has vacancies for co-opted governors.

Find out more about becoming a governor here

Governance Statutory Information
