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Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance

Kings Leadership Academy Hawthornes is nationally accredited by the Quality In Careers Standard as fully meeting all the accreditation criteria incorporating the Gatsby Benchmarks

Aim & Objectives

The ultimate aim of the Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Programme at King’s Leadership Academy Hawthornes is for our young people to engage proactively in decisions about their education pathways and their journey to a career – their flightpath and so become a ‘successful and responsible citizen in tomorrow’s world’.

The CIEAG programme at King’s Leadership Academy Hawthornes is designed to inform, inspire and motivate our pupils. It will promote equality of opportunity, embrace diversity and challenge stereotypes. We want our pupils to have high aspirations and to understand all the educational paths available to them. These aims are reflected in our core ASPIRE Values Aspiration, Achievement, and Professionalism.

Careers Information, Education, Advice and Guidance at King’s Leadership Academy Hawthornes is a progressive journey from Year 7-11. The specific aims of our  CIEAG programme are:

  • To develop positive attitudes in the pupils towards study and work and develop employability and enterprise skills, such as teamwork, communication and oracy.
  • To ensure that students develop the skills and attitudes necessary for success in adult and working life.
  • To provide students with relevant career inspiration and guidance that is suitable to their personal needs including age, ability, attitude and aptitudes.
  • To make students aware of the range of opportunities which are realistically available to them in continued education and training at 14+, 16+ and 18+.
  • To equip students with the necessary decision-making skills to manage those same transitions
  • To develop in students an awareness of the wide variety of education, training and careers opportunities locally, nationally and internationally
  • To encourage students to make good use of the paper-based, virtual and staff resources available to them, so that they can make informed and appropriate choices throughout their learning journey
  • To foster links between the school, local businesses, external partners and agencies and further/higher education establishments.
  • To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of opportunities post 16 and post 18 including traineeships, technical education qualifications, apprenticeships, school leaver programmes, HE, FE, employment and training opportunities.

The Careers Team

Mrs Y. Hagan – Careers Leader

Contact Details:  email  Y.Hagan@kingshawthornes.com or Tel 0151 922 3798·       

Mr P. Kilroy – Assistant Principal

Contact Details: email p.kilroy@kingshawthornes.com or Tel 0151 922 3798

Mrs A. Grant – Careers Adviser

Contact Details: email A.Grant@kingsliverpool.com or Tel 0151 922 3798

Mrs Grant is an experienced Careers Adviser who has, for several years, supported, inspired and enabled young people, at King’s Leadership Academy Hawthornes, to consider the career choices and next steps that are most appropriate for themselves. 

Careers Guidance and Career Conversations with pupils are impartial and confidential. Information is shared on the range of education or training options, including apprenticeships and technical education routes. Pupils will receive a detailed action plan to support them with their career planning. Mrs Grant liaises closely with Career Connect which also works with small groups of our students.

Careers Champions

The following staff lead the development of CIEAG within their subject areas and are a point of contact for students, advising young people of the relevance of the curriculum in particular careers:

  •   Mr A. Fowler (Design Technology)
  •   Ms L. Grant (Science)
  •   Mrs V. Hambleton (Performing Arts)
  •   Ms M Rochford (English)
  •   Ms S Miller (Physical Education)
  •   Ms D. Spinks (Geography)
  •   Ms S Traverse (Mathematics)

Date of school’s next review of the published information: July 2023

Evaluation and Impact of the CIEAG Programme

The school will monitor its success in supporting students to take up education or training which offers good long-term prospects. One way of doing this is through the use of destination measures data. The school closely monitors the number of students who are recorded as not in education, employment or training (NEET) after they have left school.

The table below shows the percentage of students who leave King's Leadership Academy Hawthornes and who move on to and sustain a place in some form of education, employment or training.

Five-year trends for post-16 education, employment, or apprenticeship



King’s Hawthornes students in post-16 destinations sustained






King’s Hawthornes students not in sustained post-16 destinations






King’s Hawthornes students post-16 activity not captured






Local Authority






Cohort Size







*gov.uk  **Careers connect activity data produced on behalf of Sefton Council

Evaluation is an integral part of the CIEAG programme. It enables celebration, improvement and development of all aspects of the programme. Individual events will be evaluated in terms of preparation, staging and impact. Based on this evidence the CIEAG programme in its entirety will be evaluated annually.

Evidence for evaluation and measurement of impact includes:

  • Feedback from stakeholders including pupils, parents and employers – questionnaires, interviews, observations.
  • Future Skills Questionnaire (CEC)
  • Feedback from external visitors to the school, such as School Improvement Partner (SIP), Ofsted, Quality Award Assessor – reports
  • Use of the Compass Evaluation Tool (CEC)
  • Use of Data from Unifrog
  • Year 11 Activity Surveys Sefton MB

Pupil Entitlement

Careers education, information, advice and guidance programmes make a major contribution to preparing young people for opportunities, responsibilities and experiences in life.

All 11-19 year olds must have the knowledge and skills they need to make informed choices. At King’s Leadership Academy Hawthornes, we are committed to delivering a full Careers Programme to fulfil the 2018 Government’s Careers Strategy and we work towards fulfilling all the criteria within the Gatsby Benchmarks and the Careers Development Institute Framework for Careers, Employer and Enterprise Education. Our policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school to give them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Sections 42A and 42B of the Education Act 1997.

All pupils in years 8-11 are entitled:

  • To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available.
  • To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions, taster events and inspirational talks.
  • To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and apprenticeship courses.

Careers Pathways

The CIEAG Programme at King’s Leadership Academy Hawthornes is delivered through five Super Learning Days (SLDs), Aspire sessions during dock time, Assemblies and additional activities in our Widening Curriculum and Enrichment sessions. All staff contribute to the delivery of CIEAG through their own subject areas during lessons.

The CIEAG Programme at King’s Hawthornes is a progressive, bespoke and sustained approach to Careers.

Klah careers programme roadmap new


Careers Programme for Students

The Careers Programme at King’s Leadership Academy Hawthornes is developed from the internationally recognised Gatsby Benchmarks and the Career Development Institute (CDI) Career Development Framework.

The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance are:

1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experiences of workplaces
7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal guidance

The Careers Programme is reviewed and evaluated annually.

Year 7

Year 7 Careers Programme

Year 8

Year 8 Careers Programme

Year 9

Year 9 Careers Programme

Year 10

Year 10 Careers Programme

Year 11

Year 11 Careers Programme

Useful Links for Students

King’s Leadership Academy Hawthornes is committed to providing all students in Years 7-11 with a Careers Education Information and Guidance programme which will allow you to become a ‘successful and responsible citizen in tomorrow’s world’.

Each Year you will focus on the acquisition of skills and knowledge for lifelong career self-management:

Year 7 I Discover: You will discover your strengths, talents and skills
Year 8 I Explore: You will explore the world of work and your place in it
Year 9 I Focus: You will focus on your values and interests
Year 10 I Plan:  You use decision-making skills to plan your next steps
Year 11 I Decide:  You decide on their best options and opportunities

Your careers sessions will take place on Super Learning Days (SLDs), in ASPIRE sessions during dock time, assemblies and additional activities in our Widening Curriculum and Enrichment sessions. You will learn about careers in all your lessons and your subject areas. You will take part in visits to Universities, hear from a range of guest speakers and take part in longer-term projects dependent on your special interests.

  • We have a Careers Room on the Science Corridor which you are welcome to use at lunchtime – please see Mrs Hagan (Careers Leader).
  • You will be invited to make a Unifrog Account in Year 7. This is an online careers platform which will enable you to search for careers and record Careers Activities in Year 7 through to Year 11.
  • You will receive career guidance at the end of Year 8, linked to your option choices and in Year 11 to support your decisions about future training/study.
  • You are welcome to make an appointment to speak with Mrs Grant our Careers Adviser at any time during Year 7-11.

Useful Links

?Labour Market Information (LMI)

LCR Creating CareersI Could - Careers information by curriculum subject and LMI

Careerometer widget – This uses LMI to help you explore and compare key information about occupationsSkillsometer widget – This links skills and interests to jobs

Higher Education (HE)

Shaping Futures – Use the chat function to ask HE-related questions

UCAS - Information about courses

Training Opportunities

Be More – Apprenticeship support across Liverpool City Region

Amazing Apprenticeships - – Quizzes and information on all levels of training opportunities. Filter to students. 

Government support for finding apprenticeships 

Transition Support

Post 16 Options with National Careers

Virtual Transition Support for SEND Students in LCR Transition Tiger Halton

General Careers Support

LCR Careers Hub – School resources linked to LCR Growth Sectors LCR Careers Hub Events Calendar

National Careers Service – Search job profiles and ask questions via web chat.BBC Bitesize Careers

 Inspiring The Future – Personal stories to inform young people’s career choices  

My Kind of A Future – A workbook to help young people with SEND prepare for the future


Useful Links for Parents/Carers

Throughout Years 7 to 11, your child will be provided with numerous opportunities to discover their strengths and talents and explore the various options that are available to them post 16 and 18. They will be supported at each step as they make important decisions about future pathways.

The CIEAG Programme at King’s Leadership Academy Hawthornes is a progressive, bespoke and sustained approach to Careers. It is developed from the internationally recognised Gatsby Benchmarks. The Gatsby benchmarks have been adopted as national policy and all secondary schools and colleges in England are using them as the framework to guide their careers programmes.

Please encourage your child to use their Unifrog Online Careers Platform to research Careers. Please contact Mrs. Hagan, the Careers Leader, should you wish to make your own account on the platform.

We welcome your feedback on events.

Please contact either Mrs Hagan (Careers Leader) Y.Hagan@kingshawthornes.com or Mrs Grant (Careers Adviser) at A.Grant@kingsliverpool.com should you wish to discuss any aspect of your child’s future post 16 or post 18 destination

Some useful websites are listed below:

Gatsby Benchmarks

Good Career Guidance – An overview of the Gatsby Benchmarks.

A visual summary of GBMs

General Resources

National Careers Service E-Pack – Parent Resources, Pages 72-81

General Advice and Transition Support

Skills Builder – Start building essential skills with your child at home.

Labour Market Information

Growth Platform – LCR Growth Sectors.

Liverpool City Region Combined Authority – Free careers resources for each of LCR’s key growth sectors.

Where the Work Is – Regional LMI.

Careerometer widget

Higher Education

Shaping Futures, Parent/Carer Hub


Transition Support

Post 16 Options

Training Opportunities

Be More – Apprenticeship support across Liverpool City Region.

Amazing Apprenticeships, Parent Resources

Success at School, Parent Zone


Virtual Transition Support for SEND Students in LCR

Preparing for Adulthood

Local Council Support for Students with SEND

Knowsley Local Offer

Liverpool Local Offer

Sefton Local Offer

Useful Links for Employers

King’s Leadership Academy Hawthornes recognises the importance of employers’ support in adding relevance to all aspects of our Careers Programme and it is essential for King’s Leadership Academy Hawthornes to meet the criteria for Gatsby Benchmarks 5 and 6:

  • BM5 Every student should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace.
  • BM6 Every student should have first-hand experiences of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing or work experience to help their exploration of career opportunities, and expand their networks.

Some of how we work with businesses and organisations are:

  • Guest speaker talks and presentations
  • Delivery of small parts of curriculum content
  • Workplace visits
  • Assistance with mock interviews
  • Providing Work Experience
  • Hands-on workshops
  • Representation at parents’ evenings and careers fairs

Please contact Mrs Hagan (Careers Leader) at Y.Hagan@kingshawthornes.com for further information.

Some useful websites are listed below:

 Gatsby Bench Marks

Good Career Guidance – An overview of the Gatsby Benchmarks.

A visual summary of GBMs

The Careers & Enterprise Company Employer Guidance

Careers in Context: A Can-Do Guide for Employers:

This guide sets out examples from employers who have already achieved the impact and aims to give confidence and inspiration as employers plan activities.

CEC Employer Guide for Supporting Careers

General Resources

Discover Creative Careers Employer Pack

King’s Leadership Academy Hawthornes works closely with the Liverpool City Region Careers Hub, please contact them directly for advice on running wide-reaching careers initiatives: careershub@growthplatform.org and visit their Twitter page @LCRCareersEnt

Useful Links for Teachers

Careers embedded in subject learning strengthen relevance, diversify resources and provide real contexts for learning. The contribution of all teachers is essential for King’s Leadership Academy Hawthornes to meet the criteria for Gatsby.

All subject staff should link curriculum with careers, even on courses that are not specifically occupation-led. For example, STEM subject staff should highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of career paths. Study programmes should also reflect the importance of maths and English as a key expectation from employers. Benchmark 4

All teachers have an account for our online careers platform, Unifrog which provides resources and information linking Careers and the Curriculum. In addition, there is a wealth of resources in the ‘CIEAG Teams’ folder on the King's Hawthornes shared drive. 

Further Resources are available from our partners The Liverpool City Region Careers Hub Creating CareersBM4 Guide and SEND BM4 Guide which includes LMI guidance and subject-specific resources.

Some useful websites are listed below:

Gatsby Bench Marks

Good Career Guidance – An overview of the Gatsby Bench Marks

A visual summary of GBMs

Government Guidance

The Careers Strategy

Employer-Led Curriculum Projects

The STEM Ambassador Project

Maritime UK Ambassador Project

General Careers Support

LCR Careers Hub – School resources linked to LCR Growth Sectors.

LCR Careers Hub Events Calendar

Liverpool City Region Combined Authority – Free careers resources for each of LCR’s key growth sectors.

National Careers Service E-Pack – Life skills, employability, LMI, careers pioneer activities and SEND activities.

Amazing Apprenticeships – Filter to teacher resources

Barclays Life Skills – SEND adapted careers resources.

There will be CPD twice yearly to provide CIEAG updates and sharing of good practices. Please see Yasmin Hagan (Careers Leader) and your Careers Champions Mr A. Fowler (Design Technology), Ms L. Grant (Science),  Mrs V. Hambleton (Performing Arts),   Ms M Rochford (English),  Ms S Miller (Physical  Education),  Ms D. Spinks (Geography), Ms S Traverse (Mathematics) for further support.

Post-16 Information

Post 16 Qualifications

If you want to carry on studying some of your favourite subjects or you’re thinking about university, you may want to look at the following types of Level 3 qualifications.

A -levels – you usually study three subjects or more. There are a wide range of subjects available. They’re usually studied at the same time over two years.

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) and Interdisciplinary Project – these are taken alongside A levels and involve doing independent study of your choice.

GCSEs – if you do not have a grade C/4 or above in GCSE English or maths and are studying at school or college, you will need to retake these subjects to get grades A* to C/9 to 4

If you’re interested in a particular job family or industry but not yet sure what job you’d like to do, these qualifications might suit you. They combine practical learning with developing knowledge and skills. You can go on to further education, training or employment, or you can go on to university.

BTEC diplomas – give you a broader knowledge of a particular sector or industry. They are available in a range of sizes which are equivalent to one, two, or three A levels. They can be taken in combination with other qualifications.

Certificates – these enable you to develop transferable knowledge and skills through studying a particular industry or subject area. They are available in a range of subjects and can lead on to higher level study.  

Cambridge Technicals – involve studying a range of eight subject areas, each with flexible choices of units. They are available in a range of sizes which are equivalent to one, two, or three A levels.

If you know what sort of job you want to do, or want a course that’s more practical, or includes some work experience, a technical qualification may be the right qualification for you. There are many types of technical qualifications in a wide range of subjects and career areas, and there are qualifications available for all levels, from entry-level up to level 8.

  • NVQs and SVQs – provide you with skills to do a specific job and can be taken if you have a full-time job, or are on a course with a work placement.
  • T Levels – include a range of qualifications which give you specialist technical knowledge and skills and are recognised as leading to specific job roles.
  • Technical certificates – these give you the opportunity to develop specialist knowledge and skills to help you get an apprenticeship or job, or progress to a higher level qualification. They cover jobs where employers may recruit people with specific level 2 qualifications, as well as jobs where you need to have a level 2 qualification before you can progress to level 3.
  • TechBac – this is a new programme (offered by City and Guilds) comprising of a Technical Level qualification, the Extended Project qualification, and some elements which are not-assessed, like project and team work, and work experience.

Functional Skills qualifications provide the essential skills you need in English, maths, and ICT to progress in education and work. They focus on developing and using skills, including communication, team working, presentation, and problem solving. You can study these alongside other qualifications or as part of an apprenticeshiptraineeship, or study programme.

Sixth Form Colleges

A sixth form college is an educational institution, where students aged 16 to 19 typically study for advanced school-level qualifications, such as A-levelsBusiness and Technology Education Council (BTEC) and the International Baccalaureate Diploma, or school-level qualifications such as General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examinations. 

For further information on local Sixth Form Colleges, please visit :

Hugh Baird College

King George V College

Carmel College

LIPA The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts

Schools with Sixth Forms

There are several local schools with a sixth form entry and offer a variety of A-level and BTEC qualifications, please visit:

Christ The King Catholic High School and Sixth Form Centre

Range High School

Formby High School

St Michael’s Church of England High School

The Blue Coat School

Further Education Colleges

Further Education Colleges offer a range of academic, vocational, technical and professional courses. Further Education Colleges are attended by people of all ages, from 16 to 90+ although most students are between 16 and 18 years old.

Further Education Colleges offer courses at every level from entry level courses that do not require GCSE grades at entry through to higher level qualifications such as HNC/ HND and degree courses.

A full time course at college is 16 hours, which can mean a student can have a part-time job at the same time (but they will be expected to complete course work and projects too!). Students required to re-sit, or take English and Maths as part of their study programme may be in college for more hours.

For further information on local Further Education Colleges, please visit :

Hugh Baird College

Southport College

St Helens College

Knowsley Community College

The City of Liverpool College


Myerscough College

Higher Education

Higher education takes places at Universities and Further Education colleges and normally includes undergraduate and postgraduate study. Higher education gives young people the chance to study a subject of interest in-depth, and can boost career prospects and earning potential.

At King’s Leadership Academy Hawthornes we actively encourage our students to consider Higher Education as part of their career flightpath.

We have strong links with Liverpool University and visits to various departments begin in Year 6 and take place regularly in all other year groups. (See Careers Programmes).


Apprentices earn a wage and work alongside experienced staff to gain job-specific skills, whilst studying for a nationally recognised qualification with a training provider or local college. Apprenticeships can be complete in one year or some will last for a total of four years. Apprenticeships are designed with the help of the employers in the industry, so they offer a structured programme that takes you through the skills you need.


Apprenticeships are increasingly recognised as the gold standard for work-based training.

  1. Intermediate Level Apprenticeships (equivalent of getting 5 GCSEs at grade 9-4)
  2. Advanced Level Apprenticeships (equivalent to 2 A-level passes)
  3. Higher Apprenticeships (equivalent to a foundation degree)

The current minimum wage rate for an apprentice is £4.15 per hour. This rate applies to apprentices under 19 and those aged 19 or over who are in their first year.

Applying for an Apprenticeship

Apprenticeships are open to all age groups above 16 years-old whether you are just leaving school, have been working for years or are seeking to start a new career. There may be different entry requirements depending on the Apprenticeship and the industry sector. However competition for places with employers can be fierce, so you will need to show that you are committed, and aware of your responsibilities to both yourself and the company who would employ you.

All apprenticeships will be advertised @ https://www.gov.uk/apply-apprenticeship

You will need to register on the site and search for apprenticeships using keywords, job roles and location. If you see any of interest you need to apply on line and you can apply for up to 10 vacancies at any one time. On the site you will complete an application and you will need to complete this to the best of your ability as this may be sent straight to employers. Some vacancies may direct you direct to the employers website to follow their application process.

Useful Links:

Success at School

Amazing Apprenticeships

NGTU Not Going To Uni

Find an Apprenticeship

The Apprenticeship Guide


Labour Market Information (LMI) 

This is the name for facts and figures about jobs and employment. The information is used to give an overall picture of the past, present and future of work. The labour market is the term used to describe the amount of people working and looking for work, and the amount of jobs.

How can labour market information (LMI) help me with career decisions?

Here on icould.com, we’ve selected a few different types of LMI to help you think about career decisions.

LMI can help you understand:

  • what a job involves on a day-to-day basis
  • which jobs are growing or declining – for example, it is predicted that the amount of nurses will rise, but the amount of printers will fall
  • what qualifications or skills you might need to do a job
  • how much you might earn
  • how your interests and skills are relevant to particular jobs
  • what jobs there are in Liverpool or other parts of the UK

Useful Links

National Careers Service site - This website offers advice and guidance to young people. Young people and their parents/ carers can chat online with an adviser and /or find out about 800 job profiles.

LMI for All - LMI for All is an online data portal that offers sources of high-quality and reliable labour market information. The Careerometer widget allows users to select different careers and find out about average wages, the number of hours worked and potential growth.

Nomis - Nomis is your one-stop shop for labour market information. The summary pages provide key trend data about a local area.

ICould - ICould provides 1,000 different video clips of labour market information and personal career stories to help students explore different career routes and pathways.