Without excellent discipline, learning cannot take place. Thanks to our high expectations and consistency, learning can flourish. Manners, kindness, aspiration, and a genuine interest in helping peers can only happen in an environment that expects the very best of our pupils.
Our approach to behaviour and discipline is firm but fair. We apply our rules rigorously, robustly and consistently. Consequences are always shared with students from the very beginning of their journey at King’s. This allows them to make conscious decisions about their actions. We want to make sure that disruptive behaviour by the few does not damage the achievements of the many. The ASPIRE code underpins all of our behaviour systems and is outlined fully in our ASPIRE contract.
High standards of behaviour are vital in ensuring that teachers can teach and children can learn. Having high expectations is also pivotal in ensuring that young people feel safe in school. We believe in celebrating success and there are many opportunities for this to take place throughout the school day. These include rewards for regular attendance, outstanding achievement or making a good contribution to the local community.
A variety of rewards and recognitions take place, ranging from ‘appreciations’ during family dining to CREDIMUS awards in class and badges in achievement assemblies. If high standards of learning are to be maintained at King’s, it is equally important to have a clear, consistent sanctions system.